The steps required to wrap-up an event with Rafflebox.
Pick your Winner Electronically To select your winner using our RNG (random number generator), login to the dashboard and complete these steps:
Select your winner using RNG (click here) – the winner's name and ticket number will appear on your raffle page 24 hours following the the closure of your event. We also suggest announcing the winner’s details on your organization's social networks.
NOTE: To have your winning ticket number appear on your event page, you will need to click "Close Raffle" after picking your winner, as shown below.
Contact and Pay Your Winner Your organization is responsible for selecting, contacting and paying your winner(s). When you contact the winner, discuss how their prize can be collected. For 50/50 raffles: the winner must receive exactly 50% of the total jackpot at the time ticket sales end.
Access your Funds Login to your dashboard to view your STRIPE account balance at any time by selecting your name in the top right-hand corner > Account > Stripe Deposits. You can deposit your funds by following the guide linked here. Throughout your raffle, your funds will be marked in your STRIPE account as “pending”. Funds will clear for deposit 5-7 business days after the transactions have taken place. You can issue deposits any time funds are available, or wait until your event is complete to deposit in one lump sum.
Pay your Rafflebox Invoice You can expect an invoice to the email found on your billing profile approximately 2-3 business following the close of your raffle. Rafflebox accepts payment for the platform fee in the form of check, e-transfer to or direct deposit. You can also pay through the funds in your available Stripe Balance. Contact to set up direct deposit or Stripe payments for your organization.
Schedule your Next Raffle Contact your sales rep to get your next raffle up and running!