Recurring Raffle Guide

The article will outline the process to maintain a recurring raffle.

  1. Begin by logging into the dashboard using your credentials if not already logged in. Click on the "Raffles" tab along the left side of the dashboard. 

  2. An essential part of a recurring raffle is maintaining the same URL (or shortlink) from raffle to raffle. Each raffle on our platform has a unique URL. To maintain the same shortlink you will need to edit your previous raffle's shortlink to something else to free up the URL to be used again on your new raffle. 

    Here we have an example of your first raffle with the shortlink "create-a-raffle":

    You will want to edit this shortlink by adding a -1 (or -2, -3 as you continue). In this example we edited the shortlink to be "create-a-raffle-1" indicating this was the first raffle run using this shortlink:

    This frees up the "create-a-raffle" shortlink to be used in your new raffle.

    For more info on this process, Click here for a full guide.

  3. The next step will be to copy your previous raffle. To start this, click the "Copy" button under the Raffle tab.

    A window will pop up where you can edit your new raffle details. Type in the name of the raffle you wish to copy (in this case our first raffle was named "My First Raffle"). You will notice a red error box around Raffle Website Link:

    Since we have already edited the shortlink of your old raffle to be "create-a-raffle-1", all you will need to do is name your new raffle (in this case we named it "My Second Raffle") and then backspace the Raffle Website Link to remove the "-1" we added previously:

    You will notice the red error box is gone. This is because we previously freed up the "create-a-raffle" shortlink in Step 2, making it available to use again.(It is worth noting that when you rename the new raffle to "My Second Raffle" you will notice the name of the "Copy Raffle" will be edited as well, this is normal).

    From here, you just need to set the new ticket sales start date and time, ticket sales end date and time, and the draw date and time for your new raffle. If the prizes are staying the same, toggle the "Copy Prizes" button (it should be green). If you are using the same licence from your previous raffle, toggle the "Copy Licence" button as well.

    For more info on this process, Click here a full guide.

  4. Now that you have successfully maintained your shortlink and copied your raffle, you should be all set to request activation as normal: