How to Create User Profiles

How to invite users to your dashboard, and set their permissions.

NOTE: Only users with Account Owner status will have access to this.

  1. Login into the Dashboard
  2. On the left-hand side of the site (main menus), select Users


  3. From the Users page, select “Invite User”


  4. You will be presented with a pop-up window. Select the appropriate role.
    Enter their e-mail address at the bottom and click "OK". The user will be sent an e-mail with instructions on how to register.

    User roles: 
    Raffle manager:
    Will have access to the following tabs of the dashboard: Raffles, Orders, Reports.
    Ticket Seller: Can only be used for In-Venue sales devices
    Goldrush admin / seller: Only applicable for Goldrush raffles