How to Add a Member to Your 'In Support Of' List

Instructions on manually adding members to your In Support of list

1. Login to the Rafflebox dashboard and select the RAFFLES icon on the left hand panel




2. Select the raffle you wish to edit the In Support Of list for.




3. Select the "In Support Of" tab. You will see all the names from the In Support Of list.



4. If you are only adding a few members, you can enter them individually by clicking "Add"




5. Enter the member details in the pop up window. You can choose whether or not a unique URL will be automatically sent to the new member.




6. Alternatively, you can upload members in bulk. You will need a .CSV spreadsheet with the member details, formatted to comply with the headings shown below.




**NOTE: a guide with examples on formatting your spreadsheet can be found here:


7. Once you have your spreadsheet formatted correctly, you can upload it from within the In Support Of tab by clicking "Import", and navigating to the file location.





8. If you are attempting to bulk upload members to a raffle with existing In Support Of members, you will first need to export the existing member list.




9. This will download a .CSV file of the existing members. You will need to open this file and append your new members to the list, incrementing the numbers accordingly. Save the file, and repeat step 7 to import the updated list. This will ensure there are no duplications.