Alberta Ticket Pack Entry Example

How to read and enter the ticket packages outlined on an AGLC licence

The AGLC application process requires ticket packages to be listed by dollar value and total number of tickets sold. Rafflebox sells these tickets as individual packages. 



To calculate the number of ticket packs to enter in your raffle take the total ticket value and divide it by the ticket pack price. 

Tickets Available # of Tickets in package Package Price Total Ticket Value # of Packages Available   Series
40 1 10 400 40 <-- Tickets Available/# of Ticket in package A
1520 4 20 7600 380   B
2240 20 50 5600 112   C
6400 100 100 6400 64   D

To enter the ticket package fields according to the raffle license start with the smallest package first.

The example below uses the license example referenced above.

  • The first ticket package has 40 tickets at the 1 for $10. This would enter into the dashboard as:

  • # of tickets = 1
  • Price = $10
  • Series = A,
  • Limit = (40 Tickets Available) ÷ (1 # of tickets per package) = 40


  • The second ticket package has 1520 tickets at the 4 for $20. This would enter into the dashboard as:
  • # of tickets = 4
  • Price = $20
  • Series = B,
  • Limit = (1520 Tickets Available) ÷ (4 # tickets per package) = 380


  • The third ticket package has 2240 tickets at the 20 for $50. This would enter into the dashboard as:
  • # of tickets = 20,
  • Price = $50,
  • Series = C
  • Limit = (2240 Tickets Available) ÷ (20 # tickets per package) = 112


  • The last ticket package has 6400 tickets at the 100 for $100. This would enter into the dashboard as:
  • # of tickets = 100
  • Price = $100
  • Series = D 
  • Limit = (6400 Tickets Available) ÷ (100 # tickets per package) = 64



When all ticket packages have been entered, verify the calculated total value matches the total license value. 
